Among the promising film adaptations of comic book companies "DC Comics"
In the graph lists the following movies:
"Suicide squad" - August 5, 2016
"LEGO. Ninja Go" - September 23, 2016
"Fantastic beasts and their habitats" - November 18, 2016
"LEGO. Movie: Batman" - may 26, 2017
"Wonder woman" - June 23, 2017
"Justice League" - November 10, 2017.
"Flash" - March 23, 2018,
"Aquaman" - July 27, 2018.
"LEGO. Movie 2" - may 25, 2018
"Fantastic beasts and their habitats 2" - 2018
"Shazam" - 5 April 2019
"Justice League 2", June 14, 2019 .
"Cyborg" - April 3, 2020
"Green lantern" on June 19, 2020.
"Fantastic beasts and their habitats 3" - 2020
Representatives of the Studio also confirmed the intention to shoot a solo films about Batman and Superman. The dates of these projects will be announced. Note that playing the main roles in some films, for example, in the new version of Green lantern, not yet named.