Detective series tells about a group of operatives of the Moscow criminal investigation department specializing in the investigation of "dead works"
Format: TV-series
Genre: Detective
Year: 2012
Directed by: Michael Kabanov, Stas Bulov
Written by: Sergei Golubev, Alena Polyakova, Oleg Dolgov
Production designer: Nikolai Terekhov
Director of photography: Vyacheslav Krasakov
Produced by: Vitalyi Bordachev, Vlad Ryashin
Starring: Sergei Marin, Roman Zhirnov, Vladimir Eremin, Valery Sheiman, Dmitry Endaltsev, Anatoly Zavyalov, Gotsdiner Dmitryi, Alexandra Afanasyeva-Shevchuk, Irina Sidorova, Alexander Kalugin, Alina Kiziyarova, Lubov’ Firsova, Ruslan Yagudin, Dmitryi Frid