"The Game" - this is a story about a confrontation between two incredibly strong personalities: FSB investigator Belova and desperate gangster Smolin, who oncefaced to become personal enemies for lifeAuthor series: Ilia Kulik
Produced by: Efim Lubinsky
Directed by: George Gavrilov, Sergei Ivanov and Gennady Lesogorov
Once again, we hasten to congratulate all the actors the "Fox Film" agency, shooting in the television series "The Game", with the premiere of the show on TV. Congratulations to: Amirkhanova Veronica, Merenkov Fedor, Aralov Timur, Todorov Sergei, Gerilovich Alexei, Korobov Masab, Evsukov Alexander, Koryukov Dmitri, Belousova Dina, Alexander Borisov, Korchagin Alexander, Stogova Angelica, Markevich Yuri, Spirkin Constantine, Kazaeva Olesya, Astashkina Anna.